
uCertify LEARN is a CODiE Finalist

uCertify LEARN is a highly interactive, cloud-based and device-enabled, teaching and learning management platform for online, anywhere, anytime, competency based learning. uCertify LEARN is specifically designed to deliver HigherEd, vocational, workforce development & readiness and corporate training programs. Since such training requires hands-on approach, uCertify LEARN is designed to deliver hands-on labs and virtual environments […]

May 5, 2016
2 min
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Aaquib Ahmed
uCertify LEARN is a CODiE Finalist

uCertify LEARNuCertify LEARN is a highly interactive, cloud-based and device-enabled, teaching and learning management platform for online, anywhere, anytime, competency based learning. uCertify LEARN is specifically designed to deliver HigherEd, vocational, workforce development & readiness and corporate training programs. Since such training requires hands-on approach, uCertify LEARN is designed to deliver hands-on labs and virtual environments – a feature that sets uCertify apart from other solutions. In addition, uCertify LEARN comes complete with over 50 interactive activities.


uCertify LEARN is developed from the ground up to deliver training to diverse audiences with different proficiency levels, making it an ideal tool for delivering diagnostic and remediation programs. Pre-Assessment can be used to configure an individualized, optimal learning path for each student. Educators can also create customized courses to meet different user needs, education outcomes and missions.


In addition to Pre-Assessment, Exercises, Quizzes, and Post-Assessments, an educator can create graded assignments. Students receive a readiness score that indicates their current level of readiness, real time feedback and reinforcement. Learners also get an individualized study plan to help them focus on areas needing improvement.

uCertify LEARN can be integrated with any LMS resulting in seamless experience for the learner. Also, uCertify LEARN comes complete with custom website, catalog & eCommerce.
